The longest game in History is game 3 between Jin Air Green Wings and SK Telecom T1 in 2018 during LCK Spring Split
Beating SK Telecom T1 in League of Legends is a challenge for any team, but Jin Air Green Wings managed to do it while breaking multiple records in an unforgettable match. The legendary game occured during LCK Spring Split in 2018. The longest game in History is game 3 between Jin Air Green Wings and SK Telecom T1, clocking in at an astonishing 94 minutes and 37 seconds.
A marathon game breaking multiple records
This marathon game followed an earlier 1-1 series tie, meaning both teams were on stage for several hours before this epic showdown began. The previous record for the longest match was held by AHQ e-Sports Club and Hong Kong Attitude back in 2013, lasting 91 minutes and 21 seconds. Jin Air's victory shattered this long-standing record and set a new benchmark in professional League of Legends play.
The game was promised to a late showdown with both teams locking late-game composition with Sivir/Azir on one side and Kassadin/Ezreal on the other side. SKT eventually managed to push Jin Air to their inhibitors after only 35 minutes but never succeeded at closing the game due to an extreme resilience of Jin Air pushing waves and playing every objectives on the map to accomplish the longest comeback ever.
The extended duration led to some extraordinary statistics. Jin Air's ad carry, Park "Teddy" Jin-seong, achieved a mind-blowing 1.456 CS with Sivir. SKT's ad carry, Bae "Bang" Jun-sik, also broke the record with 972 CS, but it was overshadowed by Teddy's performance. The previous record was 946 CS by Jesper "Zven" Svenningsen, making Teddy's creep score even more remarkable and unlikely to be surpassed anytime soon.
9 Nashor, 6 Elder Dragons
While there were only 24 kills in the game, the lead shifted ten times as SKT failed to close out against Jin Air who made an unbelievable comeback centered around the Elder Dragon. During this single game, 20 neutral objectives have been taken down. Rift Herald was claimed before Baron spawned, and Baron Nashor himself has been taken down an unprecedented nine times before the match concluded. In a rare twist, more Elder Dragons were slain than standard Drakes (it was capped to 4 elemental Drakes maximum at the time), with six Elder Dragons falling during the game.
SKT's legendary midlaner, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok, is accustomed to being the center of attention, but this match is likely one he'd prefer to forget, alongside the 2017 World Championship Grand Final he lost a few months before.
Header Credit Photo: Riot Games
- Clément Chocat -