After impressive performances in CLoL and the NACL, ScaryJerry is ready for a shot at Tier 1.
According to Sheep Esports sources, Jeremiah "ScaryJerry" Leathe has signed with Disguised, the LTA North Conference's guest team, for the 2025 season. This summer, the young player won the NACL championship with Dragonsteel — the combined esports project of Maryville University and Dragonsteel Books — in convincing 3-0 fashion against Fear x Starforge. With this move, DSG have completed their roster for the LTAN's inaugural split, which is also set to be the team's Tier 1 League of Legends debut.
DSG was also interested in Frank "Tomo" Lam and Lawrence "Lost" Sze Yuy Hui for the botlane position.
Led by Brandon "Mash" Phan and built around veteran talents Felix “Abbedagge” Braun and Choi "huhi" Jae-hyun, DSG are hoping to find solid results with a budget roster. With in-game leadership from their support and their midlaner, alongside Cho "Castle" Hyeon-seong's carry potential and laning mechanics, Lawrence Lin "eXyu" Xu may finally have the team stability to consistently achieve the peak form we've seen glimpses of on the LCS stage.
A veritable gamble
ScaryJerry, though, is DSG's unknown quantity — a veritable gamble. Normally, an NACL champion with two years in Tier 2 would be an obvious choice, but it's no longer that simple. Since LCS teams began to pull out of the Tier 2 space, the level of play in the NACL — and the amount of talent it has retained — has decreased massively. With upward pressure decreasing, many older pros have cycled out of the ecosystem entirely, moving away from competition and opening space for younger talent.
This new crop of young talent from the NA pipeline — rising stars like Fahad "Massu" Abdulmalek, Sean "Yeon" Sung, Rayan "Sniper" Shoura, Alan "Busio" Cwalina, and Eain "APA" Stearns — has proved itself on domestic and international stages. These talents are the future of North American LoL.
DSG's completed 2025 roster:
- Coach: Brandon "Mash" Phan
- Top: Cho "Castle" Hyeon-seong
- Jungle: Lawrence Lin "eXyu" Xu
- Mid: Felix “Abbedagge” Braun
- ADC: Jeremiah "ScaryJerry" Leathe
- Support: Choi "huhi" Jae-hyun
For more roster changes, check out our Transfers Hub.
Header Image Credit: Christian Betancourt/Riot Games
- Brieuc "LEC Wooloo" Seeger -
- LCS Eevee -
- Arsh Goyal (Editor) -
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