The top laner has turned down Vivo Keyd Stars in favor of staying with LOUD
The recent soap opera in the CBLOL scene has concluded. According to sources close to Sheep Esports, top laner and seven-time CBLOL champion Leonardo "Robo" Souz has signed a new contract with LOUD and will remain with the organization through 2025. Vivo Keyd Stars were also close to a deal with the Robo who instead opted to renew with his current team.
In addition to Robo, tinowns, Route and Winsome have also signed on with LOUD. The only remaining spot to lock in is the jungle position, expected to be Wiz from FURIA.
LOUD's rumored 2025 roster:
- Top: Leonardo "Robo" Souza
- Jungle: Na "Wiz" Yoo-joon
- Mid: Thiago “tinowns” Sartori
- ADC: Moon “Route” Geom-su
- Support: Kim “Winsome” Dong-keon
For more roster changes, check out our Transfers Hub.
Header Photo Credit: Riot Games
- Showtana -
- Timothy "dekkar" Bui (Editor) -
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