The song was made in collaboration with Linkin Park and their new singer Emily Armstrong
September 24th, 5 p.m. CET, Riot Games released their new anthem for League of Legends Worlds, maintaining a tradition that dates from 2014 and Worlds' first anthem Warriors, composed by Imagine Dragons. Named Heavy is the Crown and composed in collaboration with Linkin Park, the song was, as usual, accompanied by a full original animated clip, with the animation job this time being given to French studio Fortiche Production, the makers of Arcane, who put their recognizable style in a video stacked with symbolism and storytelling.
The clip indeed features a lot of players that will participate in the upcoming worlds, all setting their eyes on the title that they need to conquer over Lee "Faker" Sang-Hyeok's legacy. With his Azir, the T1 midlaner is once again at the centre of the clip and the story, with other team's captains such as FLY Fahad "Massu" Abdulmalek (Varus), G2 Rasmus "Caps" Winther (Twisted Fate, Sylas, LeBlanc) and BLG Chen "Bin" Ze-Bin (Jax) being animated in the clip. RED Canids' AD Carry Diego "Brance" Amaral was supposed to represent Brazilian teams, but his team missed the qualification for the competition.
The style somewhat resembles that of Rise's one, with players being animated on champions design, but this time the clip doesn't focus on a past story (Rise's story tells Kang "Ambition" Chan-yong's journey to his 2017 Worlds victory), it rather focuses its eyes on the competition that's coming with a clear question : who will be able to take down the legacy of Faker and T1 ?
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