It's the G2 Esports 11th title in the competition
G2 Esports complete the Grand Slam. Winners of the three LEC splits of the year, the Samurais won the Season Finals of the League of Legends EMEA elite at Munich's Olympia Hall on Sunday, in front of 11 000 spectators. In the Grand Final, G2 defeated Fnatic, as they had already done in the Spring Split and Summer Split Final (3-1). It's the German club's 11th title in the competition, or 16th if you also count split victories in 2023/2024. For the Black and Orange on the other hand, this defeat is the 8th consecutive final loss since their last title in 2018 and the 7th against G2.
A 50-minute Game 1
The opening game lived up to the expectations of a grand final: tense, indecisive and of a high standard. The way G2 maneuvered at the end of the game highlighted the class gap that still seems to separate the two teams. While Fnatic had a clear advantage in teamfighting, thanks to a very sharp Marek “Humanoid” Brazda - Oh “Noah” Hyeon-taek duo, G2 skilfully avoided teamfighting their opponent head-on. Rasmus “Caps” Winther and his team played the tempo more effectively to get neutral objectives, working also perfectly in sidelane. With three inhibitors destroyed and against G2's Elder and Nashor, Fnatic could do nothing else to avoid the outcome, losing in 50 minutes despite a far superior amount of damage.
FNC took their revenge in Game 2 after a game that also remained undecided for a long time. Just like against MAD Lions KOI, Martin “Yike” Sundelin's Gwen never reached peak form and the teamfights were won by Fnatic in late game, after Humanoid's Smolder had gone out of control. But like yesterday against MAD Lions KOI too, Yike reacted by choosing Brand for the next game and piloting him to perfection. This third round was also the first of the BO5 where Caps found some early resources with his Azir. The two AP Carrys laid down the law in midgame, perfectly backed up by a Steven “Hans Sama” Liv - Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle botlane that was very solid in teamfights.
See you at Worlds
G2 kept to the same recipe for their mid-jungle for their first (and only) match point. Deprived of his excellent Kalista, Hans Sama repeated Jhin's gamble, which had enabled G2 to successfully conclude the Best-Of the previous day against MDK. And just like the previous day, the Frenchman was excellent from the start, despite the advantage given to Fnatic by their gold lead. In the midgame, things evened out and, unsurprisingly, ended up in the Samurai's favor when the important neutral objectives - Dragon's Soul and Nashor - presented themselves in the Summoner's Rift. Now apathetic, Fnatic let themselves die a slow death and missed out on a new title.
Hans Sama has been named MVP of this final a few minutes after the win, just like yesterday against MDK. The AD Carry also got the best Sheep Esports score of his team (72/100), partly thanks to his 24/8/19 KD/A. Hans Sama had also predicted the result of this series in a previous Sheep Esports interview: "My mind says 3-1, but my heart says that 3-2 would be a banger. It would be better for viewers, especially with the whole stadium."

With this victory, G2 can prepare even more confidently for Worlds, which will take place between September 25th and November 2nd in Europe. Fnatic will be accompanying G2 to the Swiss Stage, but given the blockage that seems to persist among players of the Black and Orange at major events, European hopes will, most likely, once again rest almost exclusively on the shoulders of today's winners.
Header Photo Credit: Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games
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