"Joining the LEC is like fulfilling a dream [...] Actually, my dream is to play at Worlds"
This LEC Summer Split, which begins this Saturday, June 8th, a couple of new faces have arisen in the LEC - League of Legends EMEA Championship - who are ready to give their all. Among them is Antonio "Th3Antonio" Espinosa Bejarano, finally promoted from the GiantX academy. At the age of 25, the toplaner is about to make his belated discovery of the LEC, after a more seven-year career spent in the colours of his club in the lower level, the ERL. Th3Antonio talks to Sheep Esports about his long-awaited promotion and his ambitions for the summer split.
You'll be making your LEC debut at the age of 25, which is relatively late for the esport world. Do you think that age is a determinant factor in esports?
Antonio "Th3Antonio" Espinosa Bejarano: "It is something that does not affect me. I am completely convinced of it. I am aware that being 25 years old, people think that I am too old. But I personally think that in my case it is something positive. Right now I feel more prepared than ever and maybe four years ago, if I had been promoted to the LEC, I wouldn't have been fully prepared. Obviously, it depends a lot on the person, the moment, and their circumstances. In my case, it turns out that my turn has come and I'm going to make the most of it. I have the same passion and the same opportunities as a younger person would. I don’t think age matters, it's not a determining factor. You always have to be motivated, you have to be willing to make sacrifices and obviously, you have to perform well, but that's totally independent of age. I understand that maybe someone younger could stand out more for their mechanics and whatnot... But an older person can bring other kinds of things, you know, another kind of values, another vision and more experience in general. It's all about finding a balance.
Do you think that you are at your peak form and that's why you are being promoted to the LEC?
Th3Antonio: Yes, right now I see myself in my peak form, I feel super good. I don't think I've ever been in better shape. I've had other moments when I think I was pretty strong, but the circumstances didn't allow me to go up to the LEC. I really believe that at some point in the past, I have had some moments of very good performances. I think every year I've had some one-off moment where I've played really well. Maybe in 2020 or 2019... Even in 2021. Almost every year I've had a very good level peak. But now I think I'm ready in all of the other aspects and that's why the opportunity had to arise. I also think there are several circumstances that have to happen for you to be promoted to the LEC. Obviously, if you're good enough, you will end up joining the league, but you do have to have a bit of luck for the opportunity to arise, you need to find a place in a team. In my case, I have been lucky enough and everything has fallen into place.
Given that you are facing a new experience, do you think you still have a lot to learn?
Th3Antonio: Obviously I learn new things every day. Do I still have a lot to learn? Well, no, not really. I consider that I have experienced pretty much everything. I've been through everything you can think of, both inside and outside the game. So, in principle, although I learn things every day, I don't think I have that much to learn compared to other people. I will continue to learn things, yes, but I don't think it will be at an accelerated pace.
What has it meant for you to join the LEC?
Th3Antonio: Joining the LEC has been some sort of reward. After so many years of trying, working, and being there without losing hope, I am bearing fruit. Joining the LEC has been like fulfilling a dream, although the dream has not been completely fulfilled yet. Actually, my dream is to play at Worlds. The day I play at Worlds will be like... I will have fulfilled my dreams to the fullest. I hope to do well, win and so on if I get there, but just being able to play and be there, among the best in the world, would make me very happy. Because it is something I have worked my whole life for. I've dedicated my whole life to playing LoL. And I would like to participate at Worlds and be among the best in the world. So, joining the LEC, it's a reward for the work I've done so far.
You have always been considered a tank player. Do you think we will see you play different styles and that you are able to surprise the LEC toplaners with certain picks?
Th3Antonio: It is true that I have generally played quite a few tanks throughout my career, but I have always said that I can always play whatever the team needs. If we need damage, I will play a carry. But, the way the game works and the way I see it, most of the time you need someone to engage. There are a lot of carry characters in the jungle, and the midlaner and ad carry are carries most of the time. In addition, sometimes Ardent supports are needed, like Lulu or similar champions... It is necessary that someone initiates, someone who goes forward. That's why this duty is generally fulfilled by a toplaner or jungler. In my opinion, the more engage champions there are in a teamcomp, the better. With initiators, it is much easier to play the game, teamfights, and absolutely everything. In League of Legends, there are teamfights all the time and you always need someone to initiate. I usually take that role, because it's something I'm good at. But I can also play everything. In fact, I think that in this last split, I played a lot of different things
Many of the rosters you have been were full of important figures of the European scene, like Attila (Amadeu Carvalho), Jiizuke (Daniele Mauro), or Razork (Ivan Martin). Do you think that being surrounded by well-known players has overshadowed your performance and affected you negatively?
Th3Antonio: I don't think having good teammates has overshadowed me at all. In fact I think it has been a very positive thing. I was thinking about it the other day, and I think there are about 15 or 16 players and coaches who have been with me who joined the LEC or have joined the LEC after working with me at some point. I don't think it's been something negative, far from it. In fact, I think it's allowed me to see a lot of different points of view, and a lot of different styles of doing things, in and out of the game. I think that makes me see the game and understand things in a different way. I've shared a team with a lot of great people. People with very different ways of looking at the game and very different styles have achieved success in the competitive scene. Soaking up all their knowledge is a very positive thing. I don't think I've been used or overshadowed at all. If they joined the LEC back then it's because they deserved it, that's it. I, however, didn't get the opportunity at the time, for reasons I’m not aware of.
The toplane used to be considered as a generally weak role in Europe. What do you think about that?
Th3Antonio: I think it is the worst out of all of the positions, but I don't think it's too bad either. All positions are at a good level and you can find good players in any position in the LEC. I don't think there is a specific position that is worse than the rest. Maybe support or top are slightly worse, but they're still good. It's not like anybody is straight-up bad. In fact, I think this year the toplane has improved thanks to some people who have joined the league, like Canna (Kim Chang-dong). But I really think all the positions have a good level overall.
Do you think that there are toplaners or any players in the LEC who, being in a comfortable situation, don't try as hard as they could?
Th3Antonio: I think it's something that happens in general, I don't think it's an issue that happens exclusively in the toplane. I think that LEC players find themselves in a very comfortable position because they are clearly better than the people in the ERLs and they know they are not going to lose their position. But they could try harder and they don't. Very few people are really interested in getting better and better every day. There are a lot of people who are still playing the game and still motivated, but they don't give it their all. In general, I think people in the LEC are very lazy. There are few players that I think constantly strive day after day, year after year, to improve. Obviously, it is something difficult, because it is very hard to always be at 100%, but well... I think that if Europe underperforms is because of that, because people do not give it their all, they do not make the effort they should make.
You'll be the third Spanish toplaners in the LEC, with Oscarinin (Óscar Muñoz) and Myrwn (Alex Villarejo). Myrwn won an Iberian Cup and Oscarinin a Superliga. You have 4 Superliga titles and an Iberian Cup. Do you think it is unfair that getting results at the national level doesn’t translate into anything else?
Th3Antonio: No, it doesn't matter how good you are and how many titles you have. It doesn't mean you are worse or better than another player, it simply means that your team has performed better overall, and that's it. League of Legends is a team game after all. I don't think it's unfair that I won more than Oscarinin and Myrwn. I also don't think it's unfair that they've been in the LEC before because as I mentioned before, you have to be prepared for it. Oscarinin was ready at the time when it was his turn. That's why he was given the chance. In Myrwn's case, the same thing happened, he had to be ready for it. I don't think it's unfair to have more or less trophies. I don't think it's very important, it’s a team game after all.
How would your ranking of Spanish to laners in the LEC be?
Th3Antonio: I would base my ranking on experience more than anything. Right now I would put myself last because I am “the new guy”. Although I really do think I bring a lot to the table. I see myself at a good level and I would put myself first, but it would be unfair without really having proven anything before. So I would put Oscarinin first, Myrwn second and myself third, because I just joined. But well, by the end of the Split this ranking will change.
You come in to replace Odoamne (Andrei Pascu), who a few seasons ago was considered one of the best toplaners. You also enter in a complicated moment, since you have to perform to qualify for the Season Finals. How does it feel filling in his shoes and having some pressure to obtain results?
Th3Antonio: The truth is that Odoamne is a legend in Europe, one of the most veteran players. But well, if he has been replaced, it's obviously because they consider that he wasn’t doing a good job or whatever, and they preferred me. So, well, I don't feel any kind of pressure. In fact, I would say I am under no pressure at all. I will play the way I’m supposed to, with enthusiasm, giving it my all and without any kind of pressure. I have never really felt pressure in my life, nor have I ever felt nervous playing. I will be calm because we have done a good job,I have done a good job and I feel prepared. I'm going to do what I know and that's it.
Do you think the team is capable of reaching the LEC Season Finals and possibly Worlds?
Th3Antonio : Yes, we have to get a top 3 or a top 4 to secure the Season Finals. But I think it's possible. Very possible, because I feel like the team is very strong, both in scrims and in general. We'll have to see how everything develops. As I have mentioned, my goal is to go to Worlds. I don't think anyone on this team will be content if we don't go to Worlds. That is everyone's goal, so we have our eyes on it.

You'll the LEC alongside GiantX. There are very few players who are as loyal to their organizations as you are. Do you imagine yourself leaving the organization in the future?
Th3Antonio: I'm obviously very excited to have joined the league alongside GiantX. I've been saying for years that I wished I had the opportunity to play Worlds with GiantX and now I do. Every day I think about it. I think, “Man, I must play with GiantX at Worlds, I must do it.” So, yeah, I’m very happy to be able to play in the LEC with GiantX. In the future, I have no plans to leave, but you never know. Maybe GiantX closes down, or for whatever reason they kick me out, I don't know. But if it were up to me, I would stay here because I have always been treated well and I am happy with the team and in general with the club. Obviously, I can't guarantee it 100%, but if it were for me, it would absolutely be a yes."
Header Photo Credit : X GiantX
- Alejandro "Anonimotum" Gomis -
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